Legal interviews – prepare to succeed!

You’ve secured an interview with one of your target firms/chambers.  Savour the moment! The recruitment process for law firms and barristers’ chambers is challenging and this is a great result. You’ve completed significant preparation to get to this stage.  Build on this to successfully navigate the sort of questions you will be asked at interview. … More Legal interviews – prepare to succeed!

What makes a law student stand out in a competitive market for legal jobs?

Someone recently asked me ‘what makes a law student stand out in a competitive market for legal jobs beyond the ‘work hard, do well’ line including areas that students may not immediately think of’.  Having attempted to answer this question it seemed appropriate to share my thoughts with you. Essentially what makes a student stand … More What makes a law student stand out in a competitive market for legal jobs?

What are commercial firms currently looking for in future trainees?

Think you know? You should do! That old chestnut – Commercial Awareness. I’ve heard and seen it described in all manner of ways but for me, the most straightforward way of understanding commercial awareness in this context can be summed up as “knowing what your client wants to achieve and how to use the law to … More What are commercial firms currently looking for in future trainees?